Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Digital is Just Another Canvas

Traditional marketers and advertisers tend to get nervous around the word digital, as if it is a mystical being with unknown powers. Before the anxiety kicks in, consider this. Digital is just another communication medium or channel. When an artist is beginning a piece they have to choose a material on which the image goes and the medium for putting it there.  An artist has choices of canvas, paper or wood. The image will be created with options like oil, pastels, watercolor or pencils. The point isn’t in the choices. An artist needs to know what they are trying to say. What is this piece of artwork going to be about?

The purpose is still the most important. In digital our image is the brand. Digital is just a choice like paper or canvas or wood. Before digital becomes an option ask yourself: What is the brand trying to achieve?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Real Life Application

You can’t learn everything simply by reading a book.  As much as I would rather not admit trial and error (experience) is the only way to learn real life application of everything you’ve read or been taught.  After working for four years in the design and advertising, I’m beginning to realize the importance of logic and application.
Reading is important for personal and professional growth.  Applying what you learn is a completely different skill set. This takes time and experience to fine tune. Unfortunately, concepts that designers and marketers read about don’t always fit like a lock and a key.  Make it a habit to read multiple sources and speak with many individuals about the same topics.  Take discussions and literature with a grain of salt. It is important to see multiple views so that you can formulate your own opinion. This is how you should apply what you read and put it to use in a real life situation.